Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Making Money

The early part of 2008 has been an emotional roller coaster for me. I have since recovered from it. One of the main issues that I face this year is how to make more and more money. Money or wealth is synonymous to the good life (a 2-seater BMW and a large mansion on a hill). But the main motivation for generating and retaining wealth is more practical than that. It is to get out of the poverty cycle. Heard of it? I'm sure you have. Poverty is prevalent in society. It is the feeling of not having enough and constantly worrying about unpaid debts and bills.
I consider myself an expert in the subject of poverty. I work for a pretty decent company in Kota Kinabalu which pays me a decent amount of salary. The bulk of my spending goes to paying my car loan, house tax (read: mom and dad monthly allowance), Streamyx bills, and etc. My daily expenses includes food and etc. I also have to go to work everyday (who doesn't?) which adds the cost for paying fuel. I get paid on the 25th of each month and sometimes run out of cash on the 10th of the following month. Recently, a friend mentioned to me that this poverty streak is a curse that must be broken off. If this is true then I guess the majority of the Malaysian citizens are cursed.
I recently got a Streamyx connection which means that i'll be online more frequently than usual. I plan to capitalize on this. I need to figure out how to make money from the internet. I have already discounted non-computer related income avenues such as rearing sheep, or planting vanilla tree (or whatever you call it). One blog that caught my eye is owned by a person with the nickname gaman. Apparently, he hails from Tambunan which is 2 hours drive from my house. I'll be reading a lot from his blog from now on. So, lets just see what will happen next. I'll keep you updated..

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